Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
All children entering and exiting the Villa Real EYFS provision will follow a transition plan. This gives the children, parents and carers the opportunity to get to know the school, staff and expectations prior to starting at the school or new phase of the school when they finish Reception year.
Initial interest in the school will be directed to the school’s SENCo and when visits will be discussed and arranged between the parents / carers and relevant class teacher. Families and any previous professionals (such as previous Nursery staff, therapists, social workers, personal and SEND specialist Health Visitors etc.) are welcomed to visit and share prior learning to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. The initial visit and subsequent transition gives families / carers the opportunity to ask questions an understand what the Early Years provision can offer.
Between visits and starting school, families are invited to informal parent meetings when requested, to pass on personal information regarding health needs, medication or to generally chat about their child’s needs.
We can offer personalised transition into EYFS according to individual needs of the child and family, either a phased start or straight in. A pack can be provided with photographs of their school, specialist areas such as Hydrotherapy, the hall, soft play, sensory room, play areas and classroom, and staff.