Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
At Villa Real School, our pupils are SCIENTISTS! Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced Science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Science introduces us to new experiences and provokes further inquiry and questions.
Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and thirst for learning. Pupils enjoy the subject through memorable lessons that elicit interaction, discussion and thoughtful questioning at every level of ability.
We have a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum which has been carefully designed and developed with the need of every child at the centre of what we do. Progress is monitored and misconceptions are quickly addressed. Science knowledge, understanding and skills are developed through sequential learning to prepare for the next stage of education and life beyond school.

At Villa Real School, the provision of Science is derived from the National Curriculum. Science is taught in all pathways. Pupils in Pathway 1 and 2 follow an informal curriculum offer with a range of immersive activities utilising the environment and sensory resources (including ASDAN Sensory qualifications) and whilst students on Pathway 3 and 4 follow the formal curriculum with taught lessons leading to range of ASDAN and AQA Entry qualification. For those who are able a GCSE Pathway will be made available.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of Science through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World.’ Children find out about objects, materials and living things using all of their senses looking at similarities, differences, patterns and change. Both the environment and skilled practitioners foster curiosity and encourage explorative play, children are motivated/encouraged to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. Our children are encouraged to use their natural environment around them to explore. Children enjoy spending time outdoors exploring mini-beasts and their habitats, observing the changing seasons, plants and animals. Children regularly participate in cookery and baking sessions which allows them to experience changes in state as ingredients are mixed, heated and cooled.

Science is a subject that pupils and students of all abilities at Villa Real engage with enthusiastically.
From the experiential to the investigative; Science at our school is for everyone. Flexible and appropriate learning opportunities based on practical activities ensure that the Science curriculum is open and accessible to all pupils regardless of their ability. Meeting the specific needs of pupils/students is essential to enable high quality learning experiences. Our curriculum is enhanced via our commitment to outdoor learning, Forest Schools and range of visitors/visits.
The curriculum is mapped via a progression model to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, however in rare cases some complex pupils including those with degenerative conditions, may have planning which aims to sustain.
Assessment at Villa Real School is continuous and of the whole REAL curriculum. Assessment is during and after learning and to ensure and assure progress for all. Assessment starts at each child’s unique starting point. Our assessment schedule focuses on moving our pupils/students onto the next stage of their learning and moving between key stages and pathways; and for life beyond school. Assessment is based on EHCP REAL objectives.
Pupils in EYFS are assessed in line with Development Matters 2021. Progress of all pupils/students learning is recorded and monitored using B squared on either EYFS, Engagement or Progressions Steps, and examined in line with individual targets.
Entry Level exams are assessed by AQA. Every class uses ongoing assessment to identify pupils/students who fall behind. Swift interventions and support is given immediately.
Pupils/students who are working below the standard of the National Curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject specific study are assessed using the Engagement Model. At Villa Real we use this across all key stages to assess the individual progress of these pupils/students.
We ensure that the Science curriculum is reviewed and evaluated annually to ensure that it is still relevant and fit for purpose in meeting the needs of all pupils and students. The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time, across key stages, relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills. Our Science curriculum will lead pupils to be enthusiastic Science learners and understand that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. We want to empower our children so they understand they have the capability to change the world. This is evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, their work and their overwhelming enjoyment for science.