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At Villa Real School we provide every opportunity for pupils and students to express their views, needs and wants. We do this through School Council meetings. The pupils get the opportunity to have their say on policies, school rules and create an agenda for the school council either in meetings or using the suggestion box located in the reception area.


All classes have an elected school council representative who meet every half term to discuss things important to the pupils. Each class pull together ideas and work together to create something to display on our School Council board. This year so far we have looked at online safety, updated our pupil views in school policies, looking after our environment and looking at our rights as children in Durham County Council.

At Villa Real School our pupil’s voice matters!


The pupils have the opportunity to have input into their learning. What went well, what we can do better and our next steps, this is evident in our work books.


The pupils are encouraged to say what they like or don’t like about school, lessons and their own education.

Some of our older students take part in termly meetings with Louise from Investing in Children.


Louise discusses with us projects the eXtreme group are involved in and get our views on various topics. This term we talked about things we like and don’t like, she told us we have rights and what they are.


We put our thoughts and opinions down on paper for Louise to take back to eXtreme group along with lots of other pupils work in County Durham to help create a website.

This year, we have achieved The Investor's in Children award. The report comments that there is a lot of evidence to support that Villa Real School listens to the pupils' voices and makes positive changes. The pupils are happy and have good relationships with staff. 

At Villa Real our thoughts, feelings and opinions are heard.

We have taken part in “Make your Mark,” voting online on topics important to us to improve our local area

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