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At Villa Real School, our Physical Education curriculum is based on providing all of our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being.


All of our pupils have the opportunity to participate in variety of physically active, high quality and inspirational activities aimed at developing a lifelong love of physical activity, sport, healthy competition and exercise.


We provide opportunities for our pupils to become physically confident in a way only Physical Education can by encouraging them to engage, enjoy and equally participate in a varied and balanced curriculum of Physical Education, School Sport, Physical Activity, Swimming and Water Safety lessons.


Physical Education at Villa Real encourages and engages pupils to develop their physical competence, improve their levels of self-confidence, teamwork, resilience, leadership and communication skills all underpinned by the school values as we want our pupils to appreciate the benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle.


Pupils are taught in 30-minute sessions and receive a minimum of two hours physical activity, school sport or physical activity per week. Pupils also have access to a range of other specialist therapies such as Soft-Play and Sensory, Hydro and Rebound, Outdoor Education and weekly Swimming Lessons. Furthermore, Conductive Education classes also follow a daily motor-learning programme.


  • In the EYFS provision, pupils have continuous access to outdoor learning, which provides movement activity of a physical nature. They also explore movement through music in the classroom, in addition to covering basic fundamental movement skills from the new Physical Development and Health and Self-Care areas of the Early Learning Goals Framework.


  • In the primary provision, pupils explore a range of activities that further develop their fundamental movement and creative skills to enable them to participate in a range of different activities such as team and individual games, gymnastics, athletics and dance. The pupils are given the opportunity to practise skills and build on from previous learning experiences.


  • In the secondary provision, students have the opportunity to develop and refine their skills studied in the primary provision, in addition to a specific Sports Leadership area of learning in preparation for Sports Day. Pupils are trained in all areas of Sports Leadership, and this allows the pupils to assist during different activities and at intra and inter-school events and competitions throughout the school year with more confidence.  


  • All secondary pupils have a range of additional activities to participate in such as Outdoor Education, Table Cricket Competitions, local Gym visits and working with pupils from other schools such as Consett Academy.


Across the curriculum we also aim to:

  • Improve student’s use of communication skills through peer and self-evaluations and key words about the human body during PE.

  • Promote good personal hygiene habits and awareness of safety during PE.

  • Be aware of and demonstrate the School Games and Paralympic values of friendship, respect, excellence, determination, inspiration, courage, passion and equality.

  • Learn about sports leadership skills then go on to encourage other students to lead a more healthy and active playtime / lunchtime.

  • Encourage students to access local sports community clubs and attend a range of after-school sporting clubs celebrating success.

  • Participate in the County Durham and specifically Derwentside School Games festivals and competitions which are both competitive and non-competitive.



Physical Education is a practical based subject, delivered in open spaces, indoors and outdoors, allowing pupils to explore their movement skills. They work at their own pace, at a level suitable to each pupil. Main methods of delivery are kinaesthetic with visual and auditory prompts, to support learning and progression in a safe and fun environment.


As lessons are based on a combination of the School Games values and the whole school Villa Real School values. Physical Education also encourages students to work together cohesively, appreciating the differences of success in their own performances and that of their peers.


The curriculum is mapped via a progression model to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, however in rare cases some complex pupils including those with degenerative conditions, may have planning which aims to sustain their current physical ability levels.



Assessment at Villa Real School is continuous and across the whole REAL curriculum. Assessment is based on an individual’s EHCP REAL targets and is therefore tailored from each pupil’s unique starting point ensuring there is progress for all. Our assessment schedule focuses on moving our students onto the next stage of their learning and moving between key stages and pathways, and for life beyond school with a love and a passion for health and exercise.


Progress of all students' learning is recorded and monitored on either Engagement or Progressions Steps via the BSquared Assessment Tool, to track attainment and progress in line with individual targets.  From September 2020 the Engagement Model’s introduction was made statutory for all students working below the Pre-Key Stage Standards.  The students working at this level will be evaluated through Engagement Model Observations recorded on Earwig.



Villa Real ensures that Physical Education is reviewed and evaluated regularly. The Physical Education co-ordinator offers support through lesson observations, joint team-teaching and planning, exemplar teaching of high-quality PE lessons, access to high quality external coaching and teaching and termly reviews and feedback to staff.


© 2024 Villa Real School

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