Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
Occupational Therapy
The school works with NHS Services but have also purchased since 2017-18 services of Future Steps which is an independent company to enhance our offer and focus on the sensory curriculum and offer handwriting clinics.

Speech and Language Therapy
Communication is a very high priority for the school, we believe it should be key to everything. As a ‘Total Communication’ school, class staff are committed to using the right combination of communication methods for each person, including AAC. This is key for accessing the wider World. We have several ELKLAN level 2, 3 and 4 trained practitioners who work across the School to ensure that high quality communication systems are in place and are used consistently. This includes The Nuffield Early Language Intervention, bespoke Speech and Language therapy and Elkan training for all staff. School work with NHS Services as available but have also purchased the services of a specialist and experienced speech and language therapist to complete assessments, regular reviews and support interventions.
SEND School Admissions
At Villa Real all of our admissions come directly from SEN Placement and Provision at County Hall. All pupils who attend Villa Real have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For more information about admissions please contact the Placement and Provision Team on 03000 265878.
If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.
Inclusion and Achievement SEND Team
The school work closely with Local Authority staff from all teams including visual impairment service and hearing impairment service. School also employ a specialist for visual impairment and have 8 champions for VI who meet half termly. We use Guide Dogs for the Blind environmental audit in order to ensure that our environment is constantly reviewed regarding visual impairment appropriateness.
Autism is one of the many specialist provisions in Villa Real School. There is a class for autistic pupils or students in every key stage that provides an individual and personalised approach tailored to meet need so that the pupils’ sense of well-being is improved and they are able to take advantage of learning opportunities and achieve their potential. A range of 4 curriculum pathways are on offer.
Villa Real is working towards Communication Friendly Award and use the following approaches: speech, use of ICT, use of Tassels, use of switches, ELKLAN processes, symbols, photographs, objects of reference and signing. The Communication team and ELKLAN champion work closely to provide training opportunities for staff, monitor students’ progress and implement new speech and language programmes supported by a Speech and Language therapist employed by the school. Their aims are to develop the pupils’ non-verbal and verbal communication abilities as well as social interaction, attention and understanding. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is used very successfully in all curriculum areas to support those pupils with limited or no verbal language. Makaton is also used widely throughout the school which eliminates the pressures some students may find when trying to communicate verbally by using simple hand movements.
There is a bespoke Sensory curriculum on offer across the school. The school have purchased the Specialist services of Future Steps Occupational therapy to provide individualised programmes. The school have accessed age appropriate sensory rooms at the Alan Shearer centre alongside our small sensory room for younger pupils. Sensory stories and sensory toys are a major part of the curriculum. Awareness and understanding of the sensory issues related to autism has enabled us to make huge improvements to the well-being of individual pupils through the inclusion of movement breaks, relaxing music, sensory activities and this is audited annually.
Structured environment Routine and structure have key roles in the organisation of the school day, the classroom environment, TEACCH timetables, individual schedules, individual work stations and clear routines establish and reinforce expectations for the pupils, help them to understand the day’s events, reduce anxieties and support the learning process. The progression of the TEACCH pathway is clearly visible from Foundation 1A with the use of shoebox tasks, through to the 6A where they use written schedules and they are encouraged to prepare for independence and adulthood.
Some classes use a ‘Traffic light system’ which indicates when pupils are accessing a fully adapted curriculum as a pupil is in crisis (red), some adaptation is required due to unsettled behaviours (amber) and full curriculum pathway on offer (green).