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Christmas Fair

Posted 8th November 2023

We are pleased to announce that our Christmas Fair will take place in school on Friday 1st December 10am-12pm.  We’ve got a great morning planned including a café, cake stall, raffle, tombola, craft stalls and much more. 

Raffle tickets will be sent home week beginning 13th November for those wanting to buy them ahead of the day, or for you to sell to family and friends. They will also be available to buy on the day and are 50p per ticket. 

Donations of raffle prizes, bottles or tombola items would be welcomed. All items to be unused or unopened please. No books or bric-a-brac. Donations for the cake stall can only come from those with a current food hygiene certificate and must be nut free. 

Christmas Performances 2023

Posted 20th October 2023

Our annual Christmas performances will take place this year as follows:


EYFSA, CE1, P1A and P2 – ‘Born in a Barn’, Wednesday 13th December at 10am.


CE2, P2A, P3, P3A – ‘Grinch, the Musical’, Wednesday 13th December at 11.30am.


CE3, S2, S2A, S3 and S4 – ‘Joseph’, Thursday 14th December at 10.30am.


Please be aware that we are only able to host two adults per family due to space in the hall.

Show Racism the Red Card Day

Posted 13th October 2023

On Friday 20th October we will be raising awareness of Showing Racism the Red Card Day by wearing red. This is not a fund raising event but simply an opportunity to develop our pupils' tolerance and understanding of equality. Please support us in allowing your child to wear red for that day.

Harvest Festivals

Updated 9th October 2023

Our Harvest Festival assemblies were held in school on Friday 29th September 2023 with the primary festival 10AM - 11AM and the secondary festival 1:30PM - 2:30PM.


The aim of the celebration was to celebrate the different colours, shapes and tastes of harvest fruits.

After the assemblies we hosted Macmillian coffee events for parents/staff to raise funds - we raised a total of £187.71.  Thank you to everyone who donated cakes to support fundraising, we greatly appreciate it.

Moving On Fair

Updated 26th June 2023

Our Moving on Fair was held on Friday June 23rd from 10AM - 12PM.

A number of representatives from local colleges, the Local Authority and the Careers Service were in attendance to help you

consider your child's future and was particularly useful for children in Years 10 - 14.

School Sports Days

Posted 21st June 2023

Sports Days will this year be held as 'Fun Sports Mornings' taking place in school on the following dates:

Primary: 17th July 10AM - 12PM

Secondary: 18th July 10AM - 12PM

Parents and Governors are welcome to attend.

Record of Achievement Days

Posted 21st June 2023

Record of Achievement days will be held in school as follows:


Primary: 19th July 10AM - 12PM

Secondary: 20th July 10AM - 12PM

Parents and Governors are welcome to attend.

VRSA Summer Events

Updated 11th July 2023

Summer Solstice Dress Up Day 

Wednesday 21st June 

On Wednesday 21st June we celebrated Summer Solstice. We had our faces painted with flowers and we tried wild garlic bread, nettle tea and elderflower juice. We made pressed flower pictures, flower crowns, flower bombs and painted rocks.

We all had great fun.


Summer Fair 

Tuesday 4th July - 10am to 12 noon Thank you to everyone who came along to support our annual Summer Fair. We had a great morning, with events including a café, cake stall, raffle, plant stall, tombola, games and much more. Thank you to all who donated raffle prizes, bottles, tombola items and food items.


We raised a total of £1,291.15!

Many thanks to the VRSA for the organisation involved.

Click on the link below to download our Enterprise Catalogue which contains gifts made by pupils for Enterprise Week to sell at the fair and are now available to purchase.

Download our Enterprise Catalogue PDF here or click here to download just the order form.

Bee Poster Winner

Posted 19th May 2023

Chartwells have been running a competition to draw an epic poster that shows how to help the bumblebee. After receiving lots of amazing posters the winning entry is Bayley - well done Bayley!

Paralympian Visit

Updated 11th May 2023


We were very happy and proud to welcome Paralympian champion athlete Stephen Miller when he visited school on Friday 5th May. The children loved meeting him and joining in his sports sessions. It was incredibly inspiring and both Stephen and our children really enjoyed the day! We would like to thank Stephen for giving his time to our school.

Thank you to Stephen for his lovely post on Instagram!

King Charles III Coronation Celebrations

Posted 9th May 2023

Staff and pupils recently celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III with activities including designing and making crowns and making door displays celebrating Monarchs past and present, as well as holding a special Coronation assembly and holding a Garden Party for pupils and parents.

Language Poster Winner

Posted 17th April 2023

Asia was entered into the North East Festival of Languages poster competition where she designed a poster to show how knowing a second or third language can influence their future. Asia expressed she would like to learn many languages to work all over the world. Asia was one of the winners from the competition.  Well done Asia!

World Book Day Week

Updated 8th March 2023

Last week we celebrated World Book Day with a range of activities. As the week progressed we posted images of books that staff and pupils had been reading. We also decorated classroom doors with displays celebrating authors and genres and held a competition to pick the best display. The school governors judged the competition and chose S2CE and P2CE as the winners.

We have produced a video showing the World Book Day celebrations across the school.

Graffiti Art Display

Posted 2nd February 2023

S2CE class have produced a lovely graffiti art display while learning about Hip Hop in Music.

They used a graffiti art app on the iPads to each produce their own graffiti art.

We think it looks amazing!

Author Visit

Updated 20th January 2023

During December we were incredibly lucky to have two author visits from local writer and illustrator, Michael Quinlyn-Nixon. Michael was born and bred in Tanfield and has over the last two years produced two beautifully illustrated children's books ‘The Tale of the Vampire Rabbit’ and ‘The Tale of Sybil the Squirrel.’

Teachers Angela Doogan and Alan Granton contacted Michael to invite him to the school to meet our pupils and staff and discuss his life as an author and illustrator. Michael then visited the school and did a book reading for each of his publications which the pupils whole heartedly responded to and got a lot of enjoyment out of it, particularly as there was a drawing activity at the end of the lesson.

Michael said “The staff and the pupils made me feel very welcome and I was truly amazed at the recollection of the pupils during the Question-and-Answer sessions. I also must mention how impressed I was at their drawing skills and their attention to detail was incredible.”

We would like to thank Michael for offering his time to come and give our pupils such a valued and enjoyable learning experience and we hope he will come back and visit us again to talk about his new publication ‘Do You Know, That Hollow Empty Feeling?’. We would also like to thank him for the lovely follow-up letter he very kindly sent to the school following his visit.

author visit.jpg

MP Visit

Updated 20th January 2023

We were proud to welcome Richard Holden MP to our school on 2nd December for a visit.

Students were able to ask him questions and find out more about his role.

We would like to thank him for a lovely follow-up letter he sent following his visit.

Thank You Letter

Posted 13th January 2023

We have received a lovely letter from the Consett Salvation Army Church & Community Centre thanking us for the toys donated from the Appeal before Christmas. Click on the image to view full size.

S3 Waterstones Visit

Updated 6th October 2022

S3 Class recently visited Waterstones in the Metrocentre.

A Waterstones children's reader read them a story.

They bought books from the school funds and gained a love of reading.

Some students talked to staff about careers in retail.

Big Green Week 2022 and National Poetry Day

Updated 7th October 2022

'The Big Green Week' ran from 24th September to 2nd October 2022. This was a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature and Villa Real School have been taking part by producing class displays.

This was followed by National Poetry day on 6th October where pupils and students have used their knowledge and learning from The Big Green Week to support their creation of poems linked to the environment.

We have produced a video highlighting the children's work and the poems produced.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Click on the Play button to watch the video.

Villa Real Pupils Visiting Consett Library

Posted 13th October 2022

This school year will see classes from Villa Real School participating in a series of ongoing reading events at their local library.

You can follow their progress on this page and on our Facebook page.

S1A Visit Christ Church, Consett

Posted 21st October 2022

S1A Pupils visited the Rev Simon Grundy at Christ Church, Consett, where they listened to him talking about his role in the community. Pupils explored the stained glass window, the organ, the cross, the candles and listened to a hymn.


New Eco Books For S2 Class

Posted 4th November 2022


S2 class have been reading the new eco books which the school won in a competition. They have been producing work based on the environmental information they have been reading about.

Angela showing our work bqased on our new eco book 'saving Tally'.JPG
Bayley reading about the wonder of trees.JPG
Calum reading about saving the turtle.JPG

Remembrance Day

Posted 7th November 2022


In S3 students have been learning about Remembrance Day and why we remember those who died at war.

The school are selling poppies in aid of the British Legion.

Classes have also been making poppies, dressing up and visiting the Consett War Memorial.

We have also produced a Remembrance display.

Christmas Tree Trail Win

Posted 5th December 2022


We are proud to announce that Villa Real School have won first prize in the Education section at the Christ Church Consett Christmas Tree Trail Festival. Well done to everyone involved!

Reading for the Holidays

Posted 16th December 2022

All pupils and students received a gift this Christmas from the VRSA, including a book. Here are some tips for pre-reading and reading at home with your child...Happy Holiday Reading!

Click on each image to download a full size PDF.

Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal

Posted 21st November 2022

Suggested Gift List for Children and Young People

We believe every child deserves a new gift at Christmas so we are unable to take used or second hand items for the Christmas Present Appeal.

  • 0-3 years:  dolls, teddy bears, cot mobiles, baby clothes, bath toys, CDs of suitable music and nursery rhymes, puzzles

  • 3-5: dolls and action figures, cars, lorries, DVDs and CDs (music and nursery rhymes), colouring sets, pencils, crayons, books, puzzles

  • 5-9: educational games & toys, stationery (colouring sets, pencils, crayons, school sets), CDs & family friendly DVDs, books, puzzles, wordsearch, crosswords

  • 9-12: games and toys, stationery, DVDs, books, t-shirts, hair accessories, gloves, scarves, hats

  • 13-16: books, make-up and toiletries (please try to ensure non-allergic ingredients if possible), gloves, scarves, hats, t-shirts, hair accessories and gift vouchers

Click the image to download a PDF copy of the flyer.

Every five years the United Nations asks the UK Government to report on their progress on how they are looking after the children and young people they represent.These progress reports also give them the chance to showcase what they are doing to promote children’s rights, and where they need to work harder to protect children and young people’s rights. You can view more information, videos and a child friendly version of a summary of the engagement activity they did from this link.

Education Hub Blog

Posted 4th July 2022

Click on the infographic to view a full size version.

They have also developed three bitesize child friendly videos which can be viewed on YouTube by clicking the images below.

Villa Real School Association - Summer Fair

Updated 24th June 2022

Wednesday 6th July 1.30pm to 3.00pm


Please come along for welcome the return of our Summer Fair. We’ve got a great afternoon planned including a café, cake stall, raffle, tombola, games and much more.

Raffle Tickets can be purchased either on the day or before the day using Parent Pay.

Donations or Raffle prizes, bottles or tombola items would be welcomed. All items to be unused or unopened please. No books or bric-a-brac. Donations for the cake stall can only come from those with a current food hygiene certificate and must be nut free.

Equality & Tolerance Display

Posted 17th May 2022

Check out this display made by our pupils promoting equality and tolerance.

Eco Competition Win

Posted 11th May 2022


We are proud to announce that Villa Real School have won first prize in a national competition called 'Small hands can change the world' set by the company that provides the clothes bank skips for recycling. We produced a display board  which shows how pupils in school are learning about climate change and eco awareness so that they can be part of the change.  Our display was produced by children in F1A who created an Earth made of their hand prints and their exploration into green transport, and by S2 pupils thinking about reducing their carbon footprint and using art and sculpture to express this. We were very pleased to win an apple tree which the company will come and help plant and £100 to go into school funds.

Easter Egg Raffle & Dress-up Day

Posted 4th April 2022


We are celebrating Easter with a dress up day and raffle. 


On Wednesday 6th April come dressed in Your Brightest Rainbow or Multicoloured Clothes. 

Optional donation £1. 


We’re also having an Easter Egg raffle with prizes including a Giant Easter Egg and Easter Hamper.  


We have sent raffle tickets home with all pupils, if you are able to sell these for us to friends & family, please return the completed ticket stubs and money to us by Tuesday 5th April. Let us know if you need any more, or alternatively just return the unused tickets. Tickets are £1 a strip and all money raised will go towards the VRSA fundraising.


World Autism Acceptance Week

Updated 24th March 2022

This January marked the National Autistic Society charity's 60th birthday! To celebrate, we've put together a collection of 60-themed challenges for you to try out at home. Pupils and Students will be completing other activities within school next week.

Click on the image to download the challenge document.

Richard Holden MP posts about Villa Real School on Facebook

Posted 22nd March 2022

MP for North West Durham, Richard Holden, has posted on Facebook after his recent visit to the school.

The post can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Ukrainian Appeal Donations

Posted 17th March 2022


S2CE would like to say a huge thank you to parents/carers, pupils and staff for the kind donations sent in for the Ukrainian appeal. The organisers and volunteers at St Mary's church in Blackhill were very grateful for everything that was sent. They are currently filling up their 2nd lorry load to go to people in need. 

Red Nose Day/Sport Relief

Updated 11th March 2022

We will be celebrating Red Nose Day and Sport Relief on Friday 18th March.  


We will be taking part in Curling to celebrate the recent Winter Olympics and have the option of faces painted with a red nose (or lower arm if they’re not comfortable with face paint on their face). 


Pupils/students can choose to come in to school in red clothes, PE kit or their school uniform, however they are most comfortable.


CE Awareness Week

Updated 10th March 2022

CE Week flyer.jpg

Christmas Card Competition

Updated 4th January 2022

Congratulations to Lochlan on winning MP Richard Holden's Christmas Card competition. The card was chosen by Mr Holden and used as his personal Christmas card this year.

VRSA Red Day

Updated 4th January 2022

The VRSA Red Day was great fun and a huge success, raising a total of £839.10 for our minibus fund, which Lloyds bank are kindly going to match fund. Thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes or bought raffle tickets.

Child Safety Week - 7th-11th June

Posted 19th May 2021

Schedule for Child Safety Week:


Firefighters will visit at some time during the day, depending

on their emergencies. Classes will be called down to meet them.



Child safety activities to be completed during the day.

F1A/P2CE/P1A - Falls and trips

P3 - Chemical safety in the home

P2/P2A/S1A - Road safety

S1/S2 - Water safety

S1CE/S2CE/FFP - Kitchen safety

S2A/S3A - Fire safety

Each class will produce a poster/presentation on the topic.



10:00-11:00 Community police officer to visit classes.


Road safety in the senior yard. We will draw out a road and create

Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan and Pegasus crossings.

9:30-10:00 - P2CE, FFP3

10:00-10:30 –S2A, S3A

10:30-11:00 –F1A, P1A

11:30-12:00 – P2A, P2, P3

12:00-12:30 - S2CE, S1CE

1:30-2:00 – S2, S1

2:30-3:00 - S1A


10:00 Child Safety Assembly.

Each class presents their poster to show and explain.


How to keep your mind healthy.


Easter Egg Competition

Posted 26th March 2021

Thank you to all classes for their egg-cellent egg decorations! It was a very close call this year as all eggs were amazing.  A huge well done to Primary 2A on their winning design of the Simpsons judged by Jill Bowe and chosen because of how important family is at this present time.


We would like to wish you all a happy Easter, stay safe and take care.


CE Awareness Virtual Gallery

Posted 24th March 2021


In Spring 2020 we were due to host a portrait gallery of our CE students as part of Conductive Education’s 70th birthday celebrations, during the CE awareness week. 
We are commemorating this with a virtual Art Gallery. 
The students chose a theme linked to their hopes and dreams, posed for a photograph and then were transported into their dream world by Cleo from Angelic Imagery.
Please enjoy the images, shared with permission from the families.


Riley Forster.png
Phoebe Richardson.png

Senior 2 Term Events

September - October 2020

Enjoying our Art visit to the Angel of the North

Senior 2 busy at work sketching the Millenium Bridge at Gateshead

The Giant's Bench at the Derwent Reservoir Visitor Centre

Harvest 2020

Silver Sports Mark

Posted 11th September 2019


We are delighted to announce that we, Villa Real School, have achieved the School Games – Silver Sports Mark Award for the 2018/19 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in
2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognized for our success.




Rain forest Artwork

Posted July 16, 2019


All our children are between the ages of 2 and 19, Villa Real School is a special school for people with severe or profound learning difficulties, many also have autism or associated physical difficulties, sensory impairments including severe visual impairment, complex physical difficulties / motor function disorders etc so cannot control their head or develop fine motor skills. All of the work is therefore below the appropriate standard for the norm of their age but they have tried really hard in their art work.

They have followed your progress watching on interactive whiteboards and we had a whole school assembly looking at the work of John Dyer and Nixiwaka, looking at videos of your project. They accompanied the tribal singers and musicians with guitars on you tube, looked at climate change and met a rain forest tortoise who came around the classes to show them the animals that may lose their habitat. Please would you consider our art work even though it does not reflect age appropriate skills. I am also unable to include their surnames due to data protection around vulnerable young people.



Summer Themed Art Competition


Our summer theme is the natural environment and flowering plants. We created a triptych – 3-piece art work as a group exploring nature and wildlife. We also explored the same theme creating art with using ICT software on iPads. These images support the main mixed media art work created in collage, pastel and paint.  Due to the severity of our young people’s special needs, they had support to participate and develop fine motor skills. We have entered a local competition and hope we have good luck.


Holocaust Memorial Day

Durham County Memorial flame

Exhibition in County Hall Villa Real School work

Meeting our local Councillors

"A big Thank you for bringing Villa Real students into County Hall today to view the artwork for the Memorial Flame Project.

The large banner, containing a mosaic of artwork including your school's contribution, will be used every Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January) so it's a real legacy" 

Councillor Gunn


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