Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
At Villa Real School, MFL is offered to all students in KS2 and KS3 who are willing and able to learn about additional languages and cultures. KS 4 students can choose to study MFL as an ‘option’ subject. Students who have barriers to communication are offered MFL through the use of sensory experiences and exposure to cultural capital which is planned in topics and stages.
At our school we value learning experiences that engage our pupils, from the very beginning. In EYFS children have a bespoke curriculum set out in their individualised plans which highlights REAL objectives in each of the learning strands. These unique starting points follow the sequential developmental pathways detailed in Development Matters (the non-statutory curriculum guidance for EYFS).
Our aim for learning languages is based upon the principle that pupils enjoy the subject through memorable lessons that elicit interaction, discussion and thoughtful questioning at every level of ability. Highlighting the ability to think and develop independent thought through our Thinking school’s philosophy. Learning about other cultures extends pupils horizons and understanding of the world.
Lessons are planned with the student’s enjoyment at the forefront and includes songs and actions, whole school experiences, videos and incorporates links to the other national curriculum subjects where possible.
We aim to make links with other schools and students in our local area, the EU and wider world- by doing this we can incorporate our other core subjects such as ICT and literacy, e.g. students write letters, hold skype conversations or send emails.

At Villa Real School, the provision of Modern foreign languages takes its foundations from the National school curriculum, which is modified and adapted to suit the children needs and abilities. Experienced staff provide lessons in French to the students who are able to access this subject. Non-specialists are supported by Language Nut and the specialist teacher.
In The EYFS we cover all aspects of the early year’s foundation stage framework non-negotiables for our MFL: -
Develop a love for reading and being read to, both fiction and non-fiction
Provide explicit opportunities for language comprehension prior to reading and writing skill development
Progression of reading to move through shared reading, to skilled word reading, speedy working out and familiar words
For most able, the development writing composition (spelling and handwriting) and composition (discussing / articulating ideas and structuring in speech before writing)
Understanding the World
Experiences to reflect their community
Ensure we widen their experiences from their home life – this requires good relationship / sharing with families and carers
Ensure we provide real life opportunities
Provide broad experiences through stories, videos and visits including non-fiction
Expressive Art and Design
Develop artistic and cultural awareness
Model communication that is important for imaginative play to build vocabulary

Assessment at Villa Real is continuous and of the whole REAL curriculum. Assessment takes place throughout and after learning to ensure progress for all. Assessment starts with each learner’s unique starting point. The assessment schedule focuses on moving our pupils’/students forwards onto the next stage of their learning and moving between key stages and pathways; and for life beyond school. Assessment is based on EHCP and REAL objectives.
Pupils in EYFS are assessed in line with Development Matters 2021 and Entry level exams are assessed by AQA.
Progress of all pupils/students learning is recorded and monitored using B Squared on either EYFS, Engagement or Progression Steps and are judged on individual targets set.
Every class uses ongoing assessment to identify learners who fall behind. Swift intervention and support is given immediately.
Where appropriate pupils/students access National assessments such as the Multiplication Tables check at Year 4, Reception Baseline and SAT’s exams. Pupils /students who are working below the standard of the National Curriculum assessments and no engaged in subject specific study are assessed using the Engagement Model. At Villa Real we use this across all key stages to assess individual progress of these pupils/students.
When planning, teachers and class managers ensure there are opportunities for the development of exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation within MFL lessons for these learners.

Modern foreign language is a subject that all pupils will engage with on varying levels of ability. The addition of visitors to school with knowledge and experience of festivals will add to the excitement and provide a memorable learning experience for everyone.
The regular updating of the school notice board with ‘word of the month’ will allow for regular and incidental learning opportunities throughout the day as students pass through the school.
Flexible and appropriate learning opportunities are delivered by staff members with a knowledge of and enthusiasm for the language being taught. Lessons are set at an appropriate level and pace for the students accessing MFL in KS2 and KS3, which allows for the attainment of a new language and development of knowledge i.e. French culture.
We ensure that Modern foreign language is reviewed and evaluated bi-annually to ensure that it is still relevant to the students accessing it and fit for purpose in meeting the needs of all pupils. Following the pandemic and its impact on MFL knowledge gaps have been evaluated and the curriculum adapted to fill these gaps.