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KS1 & 2

Villa Real School has different styles of provision for pupils that determine the best approach to teaching;

  • Autism Discreet (ASD)

  • Severe Learning Disabilities (SLD)

  • Conductive Education (CE)


The pathway will influence which learning strategies are likely to be of most benefit for the pupils in KS1 and 2.

Some pupils may need a combination of approaches and this can be agreed between staff, parents and professionals.


Access to curriculum is equal across all 3 provisions.


Pupils are assessed and learning is delivered to meet their academic and holistic needs. The pathways are sequential and follow on throughout the whole school.


Pupils in KS1 and KS2 are on Pathway 2 or 3.

KS1 and 2 classes may have mixed ‘Pathways’ of learning and therefore this will influence in class groupings for the Foundation subjects of the curriculum versus a more sensory approach for those on the Engagement Model.

Where appropriate, some of our Key Stage One pupils will take part in the Phonics Screening Test, and end of Key Stage 2 Assessments.

Across all of the Primary Key Stages our staff endeavour to motivate and inspire pupils ensuring they have a rich and enhanced learning experience.  They have regularly access to enrichment opportunities including horse riding, swimming, forest schools and outdoor education.

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