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Please click the button to access our Remote Learning Provision document on our policies page.


In our Early Years classes, home learning forms a vital part of the observation, planning and assessment process. Parents/carers are asked to contribute to their child’s learning journey via several means, including “Special Moments” from home, the home-school diary and stay and play sessions in school.


For pupils/students working on pathway 3 and 4, 1 piece of English and 1 piece of Maths work should be sent home every Friday for return on the following Wednesday. This will be set by class staff and reinforce learning in lessons.


Home learning at 14-19 is linked to the external accreditation syllabus. This includes a wide range of curricular topics. Parents/carers are given guidance on the accreditation undertaken and the links home learning has with accreditation and life choices on leaving school. Home learning tasks will be set in line with course requirements and that is an expectation that pupils/ students will revise at home. Home learning will also be part of Careers Education and Independent Travel Programme.


Subject plans for remote learning can be found under the relevant subject in the Curriculum section of the website.


The Department for Education has launched an information site for parents, to support children of all age ranges and abilities catch up on lost learning from the pandemic. The site features advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as programmes, resources and activities for children and young people this summer.


Further information can be found on the education catch-up for your child homepage.




The Department of Education has produced an Activity Passport for all schools which was inspired by the National Trust’s ’50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾’ list.


It’s aim is to develop pupils/students’ character from taking on challenges and pursuing interests, and by doing things that are worth doing even when they are difficult, and which may not give an immediate reward. This list of activities has been designed for children’s enjoyment and with the purpose of children learning through these activities. They may find something they want to come back to again and again.


The template is designed in a way that can be edited. We have used our school’s characteristics to adapt and build a distinctive and inspiring range of activities. Ensuring that the activities are personalised and relevant for our pupils/students. This also helps ensure that the activities are age appropriate.




As a minimum we would like all our parents to read to, or with, their child daily.

Other things you can do at home with your child to support their learning are:


Sensory or massage stories - help develop social interaction important for developing communication skills

Copying actions - help develop social interaction and eye contact important for developing communication skills

Listening to music - music stimulates a different part of the brain from speech and has been shown to help children learn.  

Trips outdoor - To develop physical skills or their understanding of nature, the seasons and weather.

Shopping - this can support the development of reading and maths skills:

  • Matching the labels of your usual food to the labels in the store

  • Reading a shopping list

  • Counting together the correct number of tins or oranges that you want

Playing balance games or bike riding - helps develop core stability important for general physical development 

Swimming - helps to develop physical skills and core stability

Ball games - help to develop hand eye co-ordination which is important for writing

Torch games - finding things with a torch can help developing the tracking skills needed for reading


Encourage your child to share with you what they’ve been learning – they may not always want to, but there will be particular topics that spark their interest and they may be keen to talk about them.  You can help with homework by providing a quiet environment – this may be at the kitchen table or in their room, depending on how much support they want or need from you.


As a rough guide, in a mainstream secondary school, pupils will be spending the following amounts of time on homework:


  • Years 7 and 8 – 45 to 90 minutes a day

  • Year 9 – 60 to 120 minutes a day

  • Years 10 and 11 – 90 to 150 minutes a day


Homework is a very important part of a child’s education and can add much to their development. One of the main aims of our school is for pupils to develop as independent learners. We believe that homework is one of the main ways in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning.


The teaching of Reading at Villa Real School aims for all of our pupils/students to make progress against their unique starting points, with the ultimate aim of making all of our pupils/students ‘readers’.


Home support is encouraged with Book Bag Books which include high quality texts and helpful questions which allow parents to be involved in their child’s learning.


As the children progress and become more confident, individual home readers are provided with parents being encouraged to read daily with their child and communicate with school through comments in a reading diary.


Pupils/students will be able to access our school library and select a book to read at home and school. Choice will be guided by classroom staff, to help support with reading ability and age-appropriateness, but the main choice will be the pupils/students. These books will be changed weekly.


Earwig is utilised to share work with parent/carer and parents/carers to share work with staff. This is linked to EHCP targets and should be utilised alongside the school’s Assessment Policy.





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