Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
14 - 19 YEARS
In March 2011 the Government announced a new 16-19 Bursary Fund to support the most vulnerable young people to participate in and benefit from Post 16 Education and training, following the closure of the EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) Scheme. The funding is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education and training Post 16.
There ae two types of Bursary:
Vulnerable Bursary – this is a payment of £1,200 per year paid termly.
Discretionary Bursary – this is a variable amount of up to £500 available to young people in receipt of free school meals.
In previous years we have purchased IT hardware such as iPads, laptops and printers. We have also purchased school uniform.
Year 7 Catch-up Funding
The Department for Education has allocated £500 per pupil for the number of Year 7 students who did not achieve expected levels in Reading and/or Mathematics at Key Stage 2.
Impact Statement
Successful spending should lead to rising standards, the narrowing of the achievement gap and the broadening of opportunities for our pupils at Villa Real School. It is important that we consider how well we are spending our allocated funding and consider how we could spend it more effectively so that achievement groups are narrowed and indeed ultimately closed. These expectations should be in line with advice from therapists and medical professionals.
How we plan to spend the current year’s allocation
Catch Up ceased 19th June 2020 as per DFE instructions.
We have spent much time researching the intervention strategies that support our catch-up pupils. We already have a bespoke curriculum package for all our pupils. Funding will be spent based on the individual needs of our students and on the resources, they need to improve their results in English and Maths.