Villa Real Road, Consett, Co Durham DH8 6BH | [email protected] | 01207 503651
The aims of Design Technology within the curriculum at Villa Real School are; to develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world, understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook and, to be able to evaluate ideas and products of their own and others.
We acknowledge that our pupils and students may have difficulty in handling tools and using measuring equipment accurately we therefore accommodate these needs by maximising work on dexterity in class or via OT programmes to assist further with fine motor skills, as well as providing adapted equipment. At Villa Real the importance of independent living and preparation for adult life is woven carefully through all aspects of the DT curriculum. Engaging young people and equipping them with the skills to succeed in industry within the ever progressing fields of technology is both empowering and essential to society as a whole.
STEM is the fastest growing sector in terms of future careers and employment. It is vital that we help out students to develop the skills and attributes of critical thinkers who can draw upon their own set of unique circumstances to create innovative and valuable design solutions. As designers of the future, our learners contribution to society will create a world which is more inclusive, enabling others to thrive and live more independent and enriched lives.

Design Technology is offered as a part of the curriculum throughout all stages within Villa Real School including EYFS and Key Stage 5.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Within EYFS, D&T takes more of an abstract form as staff work to develop the basic fundamentals of designing, making and evaluating. D&T is embedded into other activities and tasks in a range of practical ways. The fundamental principles of D&T offered in EYFS are construction with a range of resources, using simple tools and techniques, cooking and, basic evaluation skills.
Key Stages One and Two
Design Technology takes on more of a formal lesson structure when moving onto Key Stages One and Two and the National Curriculum principles and guidelines are adhered to. These Key Stages use a skills based scheme of work to plan individualised lessons and activities to suit the level of skill the learner possesses. Progress through the D&T schemes of work in these key stages aims to develop a range of skills that can be utilised throughout the curriculum and wider life. The basic principles of Design Technology are design, make and evaluate which are delivered through traditional D&T sessions as well as Food Technology, Science and Forest Schools.
Key Stages Three and Four
As students reach Key Stages Three and Four they begin to gain qualifications for their skills gained through the D&T curriculum. Both Key Stages begin to work on a range of AQA and ASDAN awards in both Design Technology and Cookery. Students are given the opportunity to experience a range of more specific skills and activities including preparing simple meals, systems and
controls and textiles. A bespoke NCFE qualification is delivered in school which is adapted to challenge, support and meet the needs of our students.
Key Stage Five
Although Design Technology is not compulsory within Key Stage Five, it is offered as an option for our Sixth Form students who show an interest in continuing their study. A range of ASDAN qualifications are offered to our students including woodworking.

Methods of teaching Design Technology vary depending on the needs of the pupils and students. D&T offers a skill based curriculum which can be delivered in every classroom, in whichever method is most appropriate for those students. Our sensory pathway pupils/students have regular opportunities to access multi-sensory approaches to DT and to enhance their skills in cookery and hands on activities, as well as a programme of outside visitors and experiences of industry. A more formal sequential approach is taken for the students who access the National curriculum, which is adapted, extended and tailored to maximise their potential to access technology and be inspired to become engineers and designers of the future world.
The curriculum is mapped via a progression model to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, however in rare cases some complex pupils including those with degenerative conditions, may have planning which aims to sustain.
Progression in D&T is monitored closely using B Squared for Key Stages One and Two and through the completion of accredited course of Key Stages Three, Four and Five.

The Design Technology curriculum will be reviewed and updated yearly in line with any changes within school, tailored to suit individual needs of specific cohorts and students as well as country-wide education guidelines.