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Parenting Smart offers practical advice for parents and carers of children aged 4-11. All of their content is created by Place2Be’s parenting experts. It’s based on evidence and their experiences working with children, young people and their families.

We will be posting one particular topic each week on our website and social media pages.


If you would like to find more topics they are available from

Henry July Programme

Henry programmes and workshops that are coming up in the month of July

Henry Preparation for Parenthood, is a 6 week programme that looks at how you can create a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family, provide the best start in life for your baby and have a healthy pregnancy.

The June programmes are continuing, and the next new programme will start on Monday 15th July at 1pm. This will be online.


Healthy Families Right from the Start, aimed at parents of children aged from 0-5.

This is an 8 week programme that supports parents to make changes towards a healthier lifestyle for themselves and families. They can offer this face to face or online, depending on referrals.

The current programme will continue until the school holidays.   For parents interested in the next programme it will be starting in September.

Healthy Families Growing Up, this is aimed at parents of children aged from 6-11.

This is also an 8 week programme that supports parents to make changes towards a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their children.

The current programmes will run up to the school holidays. The next one starts in September.

Healthy Teeth workshop

This is a 90 minute workshop designed to support parents with oral hygiene, staring with when to start brushing baby’s teeth and which toothpaste to use. It is delivered either face to face or online.

The next workshops are:

1st July 1-2.30 at Seaview Baby and Me group, Seaham. Parents with babies 0-1 can attend.

4th July 09.30-11.00 Ferryhill Family hub, (Dene Bank) Baby and Me group. Parents with babies 0-1 can attend.

5th July at 09.30-11.00 Online workshop. This is open to anyone.

10th July at 1-2.30 at Shildon Baby group, Shildon Jubilee Fields Community Centre.

12th July at 09.30-11.00 Sherburn Hill Toddler and Me group.

30th July at 09.30-11.00 online.

Starting Solids workshops

The next workshops are:

9th July at 09.30-11.00 online

18h July at 1-2.30 online.

18th July at 09.30-11.00 Four Clocks infant feeding group, Bishop Auckland, Parents with babies 0-1 can attend.

23rd July at 09.30-11.00 Brandon Baby and Me, Parents with babies 0-1 can attend.

25th July at 10-11.30 Chester-Le-Street Baby and Me group, Parents with babies 0-1 can attend.

26th July at 09.30-11.00 Online

Fussy Eating workshop

The next Fussy Eating workshops are:

4th July at 1-2.30 Horden Family Hub

11th July at 1-2.30 Peterlee Family Hub

18th July at 09.30-11.00 Online

Reducing Parental Conflict Digital Resources

OnePlusOne are offering online courses for parents on parental conflict depending on whether the parents are together (arguing better), separated (getting it right for children) or expecting/had their first child (me, you and baby too).  The flyers have all of the information on and the QR code that parents can scan to gain direct access. Click on each flyer to download a full size PDF.

Please use this link to access the actual online course.  Parents can also register to access all of the content and the videos. 


Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Offer Online Training

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North East Young Dads and Lads Project

Dylan Brown is the peer link worker at North East Young Dads and Lads (Also known as NEYDL). He is currently supporting young dads to reach out to services and promote what they do. This is some of the work that is currently happening in the region and some upcoming activities that may spark your interest:

Currently, The Projects Available:


DigiDAD is the first online peer lead E-Learning platform for Young Dads. From parenting courses, to online forums, advice around social care to inspirational interviews DigiDAD provides a safe, inclusive and welcoming online space for young dads to learn. 


Anyone who wants to participate in this is more than welcome. Whether you're a budding voice over actor, filmmaker, social media personality or you just want to share your own story, DigiDAD will try to provide you with the support and means to do so. 


Head over to our Youtube channel for a glimpse at our work: 

information available via email with Jonah - [email protected]

Upcoming projects for the Summer:

We are currently training some of our young fathers into being the role of an administrator, they will be fully trained in safeguarding; in order to run a Discord server for young men and young dads to be. 


This will serve as a platform to tackle social isolation and offer peer to peer support, so young men have growth in their support network and face issues head on. 


If you think any of our work would benefit anyone you may be supporting or anyone you know under the age of 25 and are male, please do not hesitate to contact us:


  • Or you can contact Doug via phone: 07990 164449 


Doug will guide you through the process if you are unsure of how to do this.


Contact us:

If you require any other information about NEYDL do not hesitate to respond to this email. Alternatively, you can follow us on social media: 


Twitter: @NEYD&L

Instagram: @NEYDL2


Website: (currently being updated but still live) 

Email: [email protected] 



You can also subscribe to our E-newsletter, which will keep you in the loop of what is happening at NEYDL. 

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